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Differentiated Managed Services


Next generation managed Azure Services

Modern Managed Azure Services

Take advantage of our Lighhouse Azure experts who take over the securing of the complete operational activities on the Azure Platform. Right from the start, we are there to advise you and take over the conception as well as the server and platform management. We are providing On-site DevOps engineering as well as managed Remote Operations for Azure based solutions. Both, the On-site and the Remote Operations will be provided by dedicated Teams, where the remote operations team will operate 24x7x365. So, you can concentrate completely on your core business.

PlanB. Areas of Azure Lighthouse Managed Service

Proactive Management

Giving proactive recommendations.

Improving the quality of your IT processes.

Stabilize ongoing operations.

Monitoring Management

Proactively monitor 24/7 different aspects.
Minimization the adverse impact on business operations.
Ensuring of the
best possible levels of service quality.
Availability are maintained.
Anomalies are triggering incidents.
Incident Management team gets
appropriate priority for resolution.

Incident Management

PlanB. is responsible for the incident resolution process.
Ensuring customer access to status updates through

mails/phone and Customer Service Management Tool

(which is owned by the customer).


Problem Management

Incidents are examined by performing a Root Cause Analysis ("RCA").
Necessary measures to improve or correct the situation are initiated.
All solutions or workarounds are subject to the change management

process and will be implemented by the development team.
The Problem ticket will not be closed
until the problem
is fully solved and approved by customer.

Change Management

Based on either proactive and innovation management
or driven by service changes and improvements introduced by
Microsoft, continuously adopt the existing landscape based on  

industry standard procedures ensuring a
near to
Zero Downtime SLA.
This leverages the possibilities provided by Microsoft Azure
using modern deployment technologies

minimizing user impact and risk during planned changes.

Innovation Management

Providing innovation leading to a continuous service improvement.
Identifying opportunities for service improvement
during the service setup phase.
Verification whether the proposed improvement possibilities are
Implementation if approved by customer.
Providing a dedicated Service Delivery Manager who
will be responsible for the daily business (After the setup phase).
Responsibility for continuous innovation and improvement of service.

Suggested Support Model

For the support of applications on the Azure Platform, PlanB. suggests a 3-stage support model (“Level 1 Service Desk” is optional) and could be adapted to your requirements. The support can be offered in English, German, Spanish and more languages.

PlanB. Azure Customer Support

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